

Unprecedented spectral flexibility allows you to see more thanks to a tunable excitation laser light source up to 790 nm combined with unique HyD detector technology and detection all the way up to 850 nm. Instant access to lifetime-based information via the TauSense tools delivers new insights to your experiments and provides the potential to e.g. separate spectrally overlapping fluorophores, remove unwanted autofluorescence and to study molecular interactions as well as changes in probe microenvironment. All intuitively incorporated inside the LAS X software and just a few clicks away for maximum productivity.


Leica STELLARIS 5: The New Standard in Confocal Imaging

The Leica STELLARIS 5 sets a new standard for confocal microscopy. It is the only confocal system with an integrated tunable White Light Laser (WLL), combined with Leica Microsystems proprietary Acousto-Optical Beam Splitter (AOBS) and new Power HyD S detectors. Together with the new and unique TauSense technology, STELLARIS 5 sets a new standard for the quality of images and quantity of information generated. This perfected imaging performance is easily attainable thanks to the smart user interface, ImageCompass, which guides you through your experiment set up and acquisition in an easy and intuitive manner.

For more information, please refer to Leica Microsystems webpage

Lecia STELLARIS 8: The forward-looking system

Leica STELLARIS 8 offers all the benefits of the STELLARIS 5 core system plus added functionality thanks to advanced electronics and specialized detector options of the Power HyD family. This allows you to expand the range of confocal applications in your research. STELLARIS 8 can be combined with all Leica Microsystems modalities, including FAst Lifetime CONtrast (FALCON), Deep In Vivo Explorer (DIVE), STED, Digital Light Sheet (DLS) and CARS. STELLARIS 8 new features maximize the potential of these modalities and give you the power and potential to set new standards for research.

For more information, please refer to Leica Microsystems webpage


To access the STELLARIS brochure, please follow this link